Established on January 1, 2024, we are continuously developing services for our postdoctoral researchers, with a strong emphasis on career support and community building. As part of the Research Services and Career Development unit, we provide support to approximately 1,100 postdocs across the University of Vienna. Discover more about our team and the project behind the services and infrastructure we're currently building.

Empowering Postdocs for Professional Success and Beyond

Our mission is to empower our postdocs to achieve their professional development and career aspirations, both within and beyond academia. Together, we build a thriving postdoctoral community while serving as the premier resource for navigating postdoc life at the University of Vienna.


Madeleine Harbich

Project Manager Postdoc Career Development

Tel.: +43-1-4277-18277

Julia Charlotte Valerie Birnbaum-Nyberg

Circle:U Postdoc Mobility

Tel.: +43 1-4277-18274

Bianca Lindorfer

Postdoc Career Development

Tel.: +43-1-4277-182 25

Lisette Schmidt

Postdoc Career Development

Tel.: +43-1-4277-182 36





Our team is here to support you. For general inquiries please contact our main email address. If you want to discuss a topic of your choice, book an appointment with the research sevices and career development staff. Our experts can cover anything related to the postdoc experience. Find here our team members and contact details, if you want to reach out to someone specific. 


The Postdoc Advisory Board

The mission of the postdoc Advisory Board is to act as a sounding board for the Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs and the DLE Research Services and Career Development where the Postdoc project is located, to best support the development and expansion of postdoc services at the University of Vienna. It allows the project to access expertise, explore new opportunities and get a wide range of feedback from all faculties of the university. In addition, the Advisory Board brings feedback from the postdocs directly into the project.

The role of an Advisory Board is to provide knowledge and critical thinking and analysis to support the decision-making process.


Our Advisory Board Members:

  • Barbara Bayer (Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science)
  • Anna Pospech Durnova (Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • Oliver Heckl (Faculty of Physics)
  • Leticia González Herrero (Faculty of Chemistry)
  • Martin Kusch (Faculty of Philosophy and Education)
  • Stefan Müller (Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies)
  • Julia Lajta-Novak (Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies)
  • Juliane Schiel (Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies)
  • Paulina Sliwa (Faculty of Philosophy and Education)
  • Jutta Wieltschnig (Talent Acquisition and Development)

The Conference 2024

We launched our project with a conference to get inspired and inspire stakeholders at the university with international best practices in postdoc career development. Please find a summary of the event, our graphic recording booklet, and all presentations behind this link.