Webinar series: Career planning for postdocs. How to make good Decisions

28 October 2024, 11:00-12:30

Format: online, Zoom

Vicent Botella-Soler

Overcoming decision paralysis

Positions, projects, opportunities, candidates, equipment, readings, collaborations... so many choices! We live now in a world of (apparently) infinite possibilities, and decision paralysis has only gotten worse. In this webinar we will discuss how to identify decision paralysis (often disguised under procrastinating behaviours), understand its possible causes, provide some tools to break free from its stronghold, and move on with more confidence in our choices.

19 November 2024, 11:00-12:30

Format: online, Zoom

Vicent Botella-Soler

Facing uncertainty

Academic life is a precarious one for many. Contracts are short-term, mobility is expected, and the future often feels outside of our control. We are forever facing new challenges and constant change. Arguably, that is part of what we love most about academia. But over time, the uncertainty and instability of the situation can take a toll. Worry, doubt, and fear can begin to settle in, especially when we can’t visualize a future inside or outside of academia. In this webinar we describe tools and strategies to navigate (and thrive in) all this uncertainty.

9 December 2024, 11:00-12:30

Format: online, Zoom

Vicent Botella-Soler

Transition away from academia

Eventually, many academics face this possibility: leaving, quitting academia. Often, it is a decision fraught with much emotion, perceived as a threat to our idenity, to our sense of self and pride. The uncertainty of our prospects in the outside world also fuels fears and doubt. In this talk we introduce some helpful strategies in transitioning away from academia and dispel some common misconceptions and biases. We also discuss practical tips and tools to face the culture change and ease the most common frictions academics face when transitioning to a role in the private sector.