Networking and community are essential for building a healthy and sustainable career. We aim to support you in connecting with your peers by offering this space for existing networks and grassroots communities that you, the postdoc community, are creating together.
Contact us via email if you would like to be featured on this page, share a website or social media channel, or promote one of your postdoc community events.

The MSCA-PF Network

The univie MSCA Team launched a new initiative to connect fellows across the University for mutual support, onboarding of new fellows, and training purposes. The informal network is managed by two fellows who act as network representatives. Participation in the network is voluntary. Learn about and connect here.

Teaching Conversations

This regular discussion group on all aspects of teaching at the university is led by the Center for Teaching and Learning. Its aim is to support instructors in reflecting on their own teaching practices and to provide a space for discussing pedagogy. Additionally, Teaching Conversations offers participants the opportunity to connect with other faculty and staff in an informal, relaxed setting. Learn more about the group.

Motherhood & Science Austria

The Vienna local group of the “Motherhood and Science” network offers mothers* in science a platform to exchange ideas, network and support each other. Their focus is on research, networking, further education and counselling. The network is open to anyone who wants to campaign for family-friendly and inclusive science. Mothers*, fathers*, other parents and allies who support the cause are particularly welcome. Visit their webpresence and get in touch.

This could be your space Postdoc Community

Move-in, fill it with life, and let your fellow postdocs know you're here for them.

There is still more space Postdoc Community

Move-in, fill it with life, and let your fellow postdocs know you're here for them.